McMahon's flagship pay-per-view: WrestleMania.

Stephanie notices that the player wants revenge on Vince McMahon for firing them, and the player and Stephanie devise a plan: to ruin Mr. Later, the player encounters Stephanie McMahon. The story begins with the player being dragged out of an arena by security guards and being literally tossed on the street. In Revenge Mode, a player must select a WWE superstar. All playable superstars have alternate attire.There can be as many as four wrestlers in the ring at once (with the addition of a referee).Players can purchase new moves/move templates, weapons, and more.WrestleMania XIX allowed players to create customized arena entrances for created Superstars.however, it does introduce bits & pieces of entrance motions that belong to Rico & Val Venis as purchasable unlockables, implying that they were once going to be playable at some point, but were cut. This is the only WWE video game released in 2003 not to feature A-Train, Jazz, Kevin Nash, Rhyno, Rico, Steven Richards, or Val Venis.Al Snow uses a remix of “What does everybody want” theme that sounds like Gail Kim's “Strong & Sexy” theme, which is a coincidence, because Gail Kim was in the WWE during 2003.Christian's outfit is his 2002 outfit, Stacy Keibler's outfit is Chyna's outfit, & Stephanie McMahon's outfit is her 2014 outfit.This video game's roster includes three WWE Superstars that were cut from WWE SmackDown: Here comes the Pain! Al Snow, Hulk Hogan, & William Regal.